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Board of Management
The Board of Management of the Our Organization is the Principal Executive Body of the Institution. The Board of Management has the power of management and administration of the Institution and the conduct of all affairs of the Institution not otherwise provided for fulfillment of the objects of the Institution to make it an Institution of excellence for promoting skill based programmes in the field of Vocational training.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board consists of renowned academicians and field functionaries in Vocational Training in India and abroad to give their expert advise on academic policies and programmes of the Our Organization for maintaining high standards of quality training, keeping in view the emerging trends and technologies world over and to advice on measures to ensure effective dissemination of the information related to training.
Executive Council
Executive Council is the principal Council of the Institution to monitor & control the executive functions of the Institution. This Council assists the Board of Management in the discharge of many of its functions of Academic and Administrative nature to strengthen the Institution in all respects.
Academic Council
Academic Council exercises general supervision over the academic work of the Institution, methods of evaluation, research and improvement in academic standards. It lays down curriculum & frame syllabi for various programmes offered by the Institution and promote research activities and programmes. It determines equivalence and improvement in academic standards of the Institution.
Examination Council
Examination Council is the highest body for the conduct of Examination. It lays down pre-examination, actual conduct of examination & post examination processes of of Examinations. The Examination Council appoints Paper Setters, Moderators, Evaluators and also Result Committee. It functions under the overall control of the Board of Management. It takes all measures to maintain reliability, validity and credibility of the examinations conducted by the Institution.
What We Do

Offer the vocational Education and Training courses at AKS, in various disciplines like Arts, Science, Technology , Technical , Vocational, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil. Education is the vehicle to the journey of professional life.

Certified practitioners Training

Education Training courses

National Development Agency