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Centre of Excellence
our organization has a specialized department named Centre of Excellence which will look for new ways to improve the scientific and technological expertise and build new roles for this young organization. The team at Centre of Excellence will be looking for new avenues, opportunities at State, National and International Level to strengthen the working of our organization.
Highest Quality Standards
The Mission of Centre of Excellence to improve technological expertise and setting Highest Quality Standards in the design and implementation of course. There is a dedicated team of specialized experts who have a definite purpose to constantly strive to bring best quality standards and in doing this make the organization come with innovative technologies which will be of immense help to our society. The seamless integration of technology with society is being done with clearly defined objectives.
Efficiency and Productivity
The efficiency and productivity of any organization depends upon the efficiency of the team and how it operates, following the operational sequences. Efficiency is about making the best possible use of resources. Centre of Excellence Team being an efficient team maximises outputs from given inputs. By improving efficiency the Team has improved its competitiveness.
Productivity depends on the skills, effective management, training and cutting costs. The team ensures better productivity with good quality courses and very good curriculum.
Goals of Institutions
The coverage of the national policy on skill development includes the following:
- To develop a comprehensive, flexible and responsive Vocational Training System.
- To increase the access to formal and non-formal Vocational Training Programme.
- To widen the scope of work education and life skills.
- To accredit courses and institutions providing vocational education and training.
- To promote international cooperation and networking in vocational education and training.
- To provide quality instruction for Vocational Training.
- To collect, maintain and disseminate information on Vocational Training.
- To enhance the overall status of Vocational Training Programme in the country.
- To perform advisory and catalytic role to facilitate effective vocational training andlearning.
- To provide guidance and counseling on Vocational Education and Training to the people at large.
VISION of Institutions
Our organization shall make available innovative, Socially relevant educational provisions that are Leaner-centred, seamless and are of High-quality by employing appropriate vocational training equity in education, sustainable social transformation and composite national development.
1. Studying development trends in the labour market and preparation of occupation profiles as well as competently conceived occupational standards,
2. Development of methodologies and preparation of modern, module-based education programmes for vocational education
3. Monitoring the process of the introduction of education programmes, evaluation of final examinations and vocational education and development of new methodical and didactical concepts of knowledge, learning and teaching,
4. Training and improvement of knowledge of teachers, professionals and mentors in the framework of vocational and technical education, and provision of professional support and counselling to providers of vocational and technical education
5. Stimulation and coordination of various development and innovation projects in vocational and technical schools
6. Development of modern education tools and education technology,
7. Participation in professional organisations networks dealing with vocational and technical education,
8. promotion and encouragement of vocational education.
What We Do

Offer the vocational Education and Training courses at AKS, in various disciplines like Arts, Science, Technology , Technical , Vocational, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil. Education is the vehicle to the journey of professional life.

Certified practitioners Training

Education Training courses

National Development Agency